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Top-5: The World's Best Beaches

Africa Tanzania Zanzibar Paje Travel
I am not the type who can lie and roast in the sun for hours without 1) getting sunburned and 2) getting bored to death. But it's hard not to be a fan of chalk white sand, swaying palm trees and turquoise blue water, so what's more obvious than a list of the best paradise beaches?
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Top-5: The World's Best Beaches is written by The editorial staff RejsRejsRejs

Caribbean Puerto Rico Culebra beach travel

1. Flamenco, Culebra

Caribbean is, after all, almost what we imagine when we think of a postcard or a bounty beach. However, this desolate gem is something in itself. It is probably shown on several unofficial lists of the best unknown beaches in the world.

Take the ferry from Fajardo on the east coast of Puerto Rico - a trip of just over an hour, and then you are out on an unspoilt island with a small harbor and otherwise just nature reserves, mountains and beaches.

At Flamenco there is a local atmosphere. Remember to bring the big cooler bag with goodies, because there is not much to buy in the stalls by the beach. There are many locals who take over and camp in tents right down to the beach.

It is clean and tidy, and there are rubbish bins placed every ten meters - it is certainly not a matter of course on touristy beaches today.

Here are some great deals on accommodations in Culebra - click on "see deals" to get the final price

Africa Tanzania Zanzibar beach travel

2. Pie, Zanzibar

"Mambo vipi", say the Masai on the beach.

In Paje on the east coast of Zanzibar, there is no longer any human space, as when I visited the place several years ago. But the beach is now still something very special. There are fascinating tides that stretch several hundred meters off the coast.

During the day the Africans run breasts around and harvest seaweed in shallow water. The seaweed fields are used to produce soap and other beauty products.

The locals are extremely sweet, and they are used to visits from Denmark.

There are small reed huts where you can get a massage. There are also fun guys on the beach who would like to sell you colorful kangaroos - the traditional clothing item among women in Tanzania.

Travel deals: Diving and beach holiday on Zanzibar

Danish West Indies Virgin Islands St John beach travel

3. Cinnamon Bay, St. John, US Virgin Islands

All beaches in the past U.S. Virgin Islands should be on this list. On the island of St. John you will find Cinnamon Bay. The island is real chill mode and not very touristy, and although there are many crabs, the beach is beautiful.

The water is some of the clearest I have seen and the bay frames the beach and screens for waves. It was also in the Virgin Islands that I was lucky enough to get myself a snorkel selfie with several sea turtles.

Travel deals: Cultural trip to the Danish West Indies

Thailand Koh Chang Klong Prao beach travel

4. Thailand: Klong Prao, Koh Chang

I've found a beach in Thailand, which is not mentioned in the guidebooks of the world. It is also not ruined by big hotel chains and drunk backpackers - is it really possible? Yes!

We stayed in a small hostel just 50 meters from the beach where there was a small walkway out to the water. There are small islands on the horizon that were the backdrop for one of my most beautiful sunsets. My girlfriend and I sat with bare toes in the sand and got a drink and there are swings on the beach too.

We were there during the rainy season and one of the days we got Thai massages in the pouring rain while lying listening to havet and the waves.

Here are some great deals on package tours to Thailand - click on "see deals" to get the final price

El Salvador El Tunco beach travel

5. El Tunco, El Salvador

A volcanic beach with black sand? I had never heard of that phenomenon. Nevertheless, I was quite excited when I stumbled upon El Tunco on my journey through Central America.

Here is a good deal on hotels near El Tunco - click on "see offer" to get the final price

The waves were wild and the great surfer guys were in the majority. I just fooled around a bit in the waves and took pictures. There are raw cliffs and a nice breeze, and there are quite a few hostels nearby. A real backpacker beach.

Just a tip: Remember clip flaps unless you want to have your feet burned off. Light sand can get hot, but black sand is like walking on lava.

Hurry up to visit one or more of these beaches, you will regret it late!

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