See here how to get the cheapest tickets on Momondo
Budget friendly and low price
Belgrade is an overlooked metropolis in the Balkans. Get tips for the city here.
A big city like Paris can be an expensive pleasure. However, there are a number of experiences and sights that are completely free. Voila!
Can you live cheaply and travel cheaply? Here you get editor Jens' best tips on how to do it.
Here you will get good tips and tricks on where to find the best travel offers for your next holiday.
Where to go if the trip is to be cheap? You will get the answer to that here.
Do you also want more vacation without it costing anything? Read here how to make the most of the holidays you have available.
Read how you can experience London without spending too much money.
If you are into unadulterated Eastern vibe, traditional food and excellent wine then visit Moldova.
Can you travel to Belarus for 500 kroner all inclusive for an extended weekend? We have made the attempt.
Emma has lived in Rio for half a year and has found the best places in the city in this guide.
One can be lucky and come across a great deal on airline tickets. Read about how Jens came to Australia cheaply. The trip offered the city of Sydney as well as fantastic nature in Tasmania.
Here are seven fantastic destinations where the local currency is nice and low compared to the Danish krone, so you can get even more travel experiences.
Football on the green island: Part of something bigger in Dublin written by Jens Skovgaard Andersen. “Stand up for the boys in green!” The article is from 2017, when we met Ireland in the qualification for the World Cup in football. There is no doubt that you...
Most people probably choose to watch the national team's matches at home here in Denmark, but there are a number of things that suggest that you should try to travel with the national team.
Have you traveled in Dubai? Stefan Slothuus has it and does not think it lived up to his expectations. However, he can recommend 5 other favorite destinations. Read them right here.
It is coincidence that prevails when traveling as a hitchhiker. It does not make the stories more boring or the challenges less - on the contrary.