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About Us

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Denmark's largest travel magazine

With RejsRejsRejs are we crazy about traveling. We are constantly looking for new ones destinations, new forms of travel and new travel inspiration. Fortunately, there is plenty of inspiration out there in blogs, photos and tickets, and one can spend a lot of time looking for what just suits oneself. That is why we have created RejsRejsRejs. Dk, where we gather all the most important things for you who love to travel.

RejsRejsRejs is an international travel magazine based in Copenhagen, and is today Denmark's largest travel magazine and an active travel community. Each month we have a range of over 2,5 million. (Source: Analytics 2024, non-unique users, total reach across channels, including Google).

You will find exciting and relevant travel content on our 10 own channels,, the newsletter and 8 social media, and in addition we are part of 2 Nordic media networks and have a high visibility on Google.

Read more about RejsRejsRejs as media here.

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This is what you get with RejsRejsRejs

With RejsRejsRejs we guide you through the travel jungle for free, and the content is delivered by a strip of passionate and experienced travel nerds, who are happy to share their best tips with you so you can get even more out of your travels.

You can find in-depth insider articles, quick-read introductions and travel fun that celebrates the joy of travel. You get an overview of where there is excitement travel lectures near you, and you will find your way to the best travel bloggers in the country. You will also find links and recommendations for the most obvious hotels, flights and travel agencies. And most importantly, you will find all of them good travel deals from us and others gathered in one place.

Vi har base i hjertet af Frederiksberg i København, og vi sidder i et levende kontorfællesskab.Du kan læse mere her om Cooperation, support us, press, job, data policy, travel writers and RejsRejsRejs English, and you can read more about the editorial staff and our goals, ethics and content below.

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Travel better, travel longer and travel responsibly

En god rejse varer meget længere end den tid, du er afsted. Her på redaktionen dyrker vi både tiden før rejsen, som er fuld af forventning og forberedelse, tiden mens du er på farten, og også tiden efter du er kommet glad tilbage – og skal til at finde det næste rejsemål.

Our wish is that you will travel better, travel longer (in time) and that you can travel as responsibly as possible. RejsRejsRejs! This means that when you want to take home more from the trip than just souvenirs, here are lots of tips and ideas. This applies whether you want to arrange the trip yourself, or want inspiration for the destination, and then get a travel agency to handle all the practicalities.

As associations, for example, we need sponsors so that we can keep the magazine running, and therefore there are also advertisements and links around, which you should be welcome to click on if you think they are relevant to you.

Read more about the collaboration opportunities with RejsRejsRejs here

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Om RejsRejsRejs: Meet the editors

RejsRejsRejs is started by two well-traveled gentlemen who are used to giving good travel advice, and who themselves spend a lot of time gathering inspiration, planning and telling about travel. Jacob Gowland Jørgensen og Jens Skovgaard Andersen are both members of the Travelers' Club and have traveled in over 150 countries. Together they have extensive experience with the travel world and with many different caps on which; lecturer, magazine editor, tour guide, advisor, author, photographer. And of course most important of all: Travelers.

RejsRejsRejs has an editorial staff consisting of travel-savvy people who love to share their knowledge and tell about their favorite destinations. Today, the editorial staff has a team of eight and over 70 external travel writers. Meet the editors of our travel magazine here:

Jacob Jørgensen
Director, editor, travel writer and lecturer

Jens Skovgaard Andersen
Editor-in-chief, travel writer, tour guide and advisor

Circle line Lemas
Campaign manager, co-editor and writer

Anna Christensen
Projektleder, redaktør og skribent 

Karen Bender
Co-editor and writer

Laura Graf
Writer and graphic designer

Christian Brauner
Co-editor and writer

Would you like to be part of our team? Or help as travel writer? So finally contact us at Dette gælder også, hvis du er interesseret i et kommercielt Cooperation or want to come up with rice, praise and new ideas.

photo, camera, human, travel, travel writer, collaboration with rejsrejsrejs, collaborate with us, become a freelance travel writer

Content, copyright and collaboration agreements

RejsRejsRejs is an independent medium that aims to create an overview of all the good travel material that is out there. We are driven by a basic desire to travel, and we love travel geekiness - and that's why we've set up a travel magazine. We fully vouch for what we write, although of course we know that the world is changing, good places can become less good, and new good places are coming. No two travel experiences are alike and we are very happy to hear about your experiences.

To get it all running around, we have some collaboration agreements with other good travel sites, and there may be links to them in articles and posts on this page. If you go via RejsRejsRejs.dks links to them and book, then we get something back from them at no extra cost to you. That way we help each other and we can continue to provide tips, tricks and overviews to you, so feel free to support our sponsors by clicking in and see if they should have something that is relevant to you. Read more about collaboration here.

All material and opinions expressed by us are solely the views of the author in question and are not necessarily shared by the entire editorial staff. All rights to the individual articles and photographs are reserved to the respective authors and photographers, and the content may not be passed on or sold without the author's approval.

sustainability and ethics, forest, travel responsibility, sustainable, sustainable travel, green travel patterns

Om RejsRejsRejs: Sustainability and ethics

With RejsRejsRejs we are aware that the travel industry is diverse and that not everyone plays by the same rules worldwide. As travelers, we know that there is a difference in price levels, quality, working conditions, comfort, service and general conditions when traveling, and no two travel experiences are alike. We each have our limits for what we think is right and where the limit goes for what is not. The other writers of our travel magazine are experienced travelers who disseminate their knowledge based on their own concrete experiences.

As a travel magazine has RejsRejsRejs chosen not to sort in the different forms of travel, destinations and travel providers, as it is up to each individual where one's border goes. You decide whether you want to fly with SAS or Ryanair, and whether you want to travel to North Korea or not. We do not interfere in this, and we talk about all possibilities. We can easily comment on, for example, an airline's punctuality, environmental work or ability to handle complaints, but we do not exclude anyone relevant from the start. We have actively opted out of having sponsors who are not relevant and / or in our eyes do nothing good for the development of society (eg quick loans), but we have chosen not to sort in the travel-relevant elements. The choice is yours.

This also applies to sustainability. We personally have strong views on sustainability. It may well seem contradictory when now travel creates CO2 emissions. But the travel industry is one of the fastest growing in the world, and global trade and development is deeply dependent on it. The fact is that it does not remove the travel that we stop talking about it.

Hos os er vores fokus derfor også på bæredygtige rejser, hvor vi gør, hvad vi kan for at hjælpe dig til at tage de bedste valg. Du kan gøre en reel forskel, når du vælger transportmiddel og destination – det betyder noget, om du vælger de overturistede steder i højsæsonen vs. andre steder, der har brug for den økonomiske håndsrækning turisme kan bidrage med. Det betyder noget, om du ser suspekte dyreshows eller fravælger dem. Det betyder noget, hvad du spiser, når du er ude at rejse, fx om du spiser lokalt eller importeret mad.

What we ourselves do is have an editorial focus on it so that it comes Hints continuously and we support various initiatives self. In addition, we have at RejsRejsRejs made a conscious choice that our travel magazine is exclusively online, so we do not have a “print footprint”.

You are of course always welcome to contact us at to get elaborations or answers to your questions.


PS: Would you like to know how we use cookies and handle data on our site? So read more more about our data policy here.

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