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AuthorEmma Urassa

I am a travel-loving woman from Copenhagen and can be found at Danes in Africa on Instagram. I have always loved to travel and experience one, and my desire to travel grew even more when I graduated from high school in 2013 and traveled the world alone for the first time.
This was also my first encounter with Africa. I traveled to South Africa and to Tanzania - including Zanzibar - and volunteered for 3 months in total. Here I really opened my eyes to how fantastic a continent Africa is, but I wasn't done experiencing the rest of the world.
I have lived and worked in Australia and studied in South Korea, but it kept pulling me back to Africa. That's why I went on a road trip through 8 African countries (including Tanzania). I have also been on an internship in Zambia, but it was as if I could never completely leave Tanzania. So I went back to Tanzania in 2019 where I just got a feeling that this was going to be my home. I also met my current husband and have now been living in Moshi in Tanzania 'on and off' since 2019, where I love spending my time exploring the country and especially the less touristy areas.


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