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Death Valley in the USA: The records are in line

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Death Valley in the USA: The records are in line is written by Michael Bo Christensen.

Death Valley in the USA - a natural phenomenon with countless records

If you travel around the southwest USA, it's hard to get around Death Valley. Most travel agents and self-driving people have realized that the valley of death lies in a natural roadtrip route via Tioga Pass i Yosemite National Park, Las Vegas or Los Angeles.

In Southern California in the United States lies Death Valley, which is huge and takes at least a full day to get through. A whole hot day, I might add. As much as 57 degrees is measured here, which is a record in North America. In fact, the records are in line; warmest, most desolate and lowest point, and below Death Valley lies the world's largest groundwater reservoir. The latter supplies thirsty California with water. In addition, one finds Mount Whitney, which is the highest mountain in the 48 contiguous states.

The heat is so violent that the flies are content to walk as the heat will damage their wings and some beetle species lie on their backs to cool their feet. You can advantageously visit the national park in the low season, for example during the Easter holidays, when the temperature is more humane.

A gold digger's nightmare

Death Valley in the USA has several highlights: Badwater, Devil's Golf Course, Zabriskie Point, Artist Drive, Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes and Golden Canyon. In Badwater one finds the lowest point in North America with its 86 meters below the earth's surface. The area is covered in salt from the dried up lake.

In 1849, a group of gold diggers came to the area, but their mules would not drink from the salt water. "It's bad water," said one of the gold diggers, adding the name to the site.

In 1949, a large group of gold diggers, the so-called "Forty Niners", were trapped in the desert and could not find a way out. They were near death when William L. Manly got them over an unknown passport and down into California. Just as they left the area, one of the gold diggers said, "Goodbye Death Valley," and immortalized the name of the area. The gold diggers paid tribute to Manly by naming the highest point on the Zabrian Mountains, after him. The Zabrian Mountains are one of Death Valley's major attractions.

Natural color joy in Death Valley in the USA

In the Artist Drive area, you see unique color patterns that are worthy of a gallery. The name implies that the area needs to be driven and the winding route only takes 20 minutes. The colors come from the various minerals that the soil contains.

If you want an overnight stay in the park, try Furnace Creek. It is the epitome of an oasis in the middle of the desert. Here you will find a large resort with pools, golf courses, hotel and restaurants. In many ways you get the best of both worlds; the total luxury of the United States, all the while looking out at the breathtaking scenery of Death Valley.

Find accommodation in Furnace Creek here

Like the scene in a Hollywood movie

Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes are located at the northern end of the valley and are almost surrounded by mountains on all sides. If you have never walked in desert sand, the chance here is even quite close to the road. The sand dunes are often used by Hollywood, so maybe you follow in Luke Skywalker's footsteps, because parts of Star Wars were filmed right here.

If you want to hike, the Golden Canyon Trail is an obvious two kilometer hike overlooking the golden gorges. Take it early in the day before it gets too hot.

Devil's Golf Course obviously looks like a plow field and is not a place where one can improve his handicap, but I tried my best. Be careful when walking in the area. Many have cut themselves badly on the rough terrain or twisted around on the foot.

If you are interested in nature, then there is actually something for you in Death Valley in the USA. Because even if you are in a desert, there are actually 900 different plants here, of which 21 are only found here.

Death Valley in the USA: Meet the Indians

The Indian tribe Timbisha Shoshone is based in Death Valley, USA. If you want to meet them, take part in the annual Powwow, which is the Indians' big dance party and most important event in the beginning of November. It is held in the southern part of the park in the town of Ridgecrest.

Not far from here you will find Fossil Falls, which consists of carbon black, distorted rocks formed by volcanic activity and molten glaciers. Very distinctive and photographic.

There are lots of great and exciting experiences waiting in Death Valley. Then put on your hiking boots and fill the water bottle.

Nice trip!

Read more about national parks in the USA here

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