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How to become part of the travel community

Beach, welcome is both a magazine and an active community, which you can benefit from in many ways.
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How to become part of the travel community is written by The editorial staff, RejsRejsRejs.

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Get travel inspiration served the way it suits you

RejsRejsRejs is both a travel magazine and a travel community where there is room for you.

On our Facebook page You can follow and comment daily on our activities here at the editorial office, where we share the best articles and other content that we believe is worth sharing such as news, competitions, travel offers and travel-related entertainment. You can also just get the news when it comes on the page Travel tips for the whole world.

We also have a group on the same Facebook, and it's called 'The travel group for us who love to travel'. Here, all the group's more than 10.000 members can share experiences and tips with each other, and there is a large network of traveled Danes who actively and happily help each other. If you are in doubt about the destination, season or atmosphere locally, there is a lot of help to be had in this group.

If you want the best travel deals when they come, then there is also a Facebook group for that purpose. The group is called Travel deals, and you are welcome to join as 5.000 others are.

Our newsletter is sent out several times a month to many thousands of Danes, and here you get the most important travel inspiration for the world's destinations selected by the editorial staff and not least good travel offers and travel competitions.

You can follow here on our website, Instagram, Pinterestand LinkedIn, and you can also download our travel magazine at your home screen here, so you have our travel tips with you on the trip.

You can also get our e-book and support us financially here.

So come and join our unique travel community - you are more than welcome!

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Did you know: Here are the 7 best food cities in the world according to Tripadvisor's millions of users!

7: Barcelona in Spain
6: New Delhi in India
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About the author

The editorial staff, RejsRejsRejs's regular editorial staff shares both their own personal tips and tricks and tells about everything that happens in the travel world.
We write articles and guides, do competitions and give you the best travel deals, travel lectures and travel fun.

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